Pranic Psychotherapy

Pranic Psychotherapy

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“Purpose of psychotherapy is to set people free.”- Rollo May

With hectic life styles, stressful work environments and societal pressures, anxiety and depression have become very common. There is madness and emotional chaos all around. There has been an increase in number of psychosomatic cases.

Psychosomatic diseases caused due to emotional and psychological reasons require treatments that can address the emotional factors and complement medical treatments. Many people are turning into complementary therapies and energy healing modalities like Pranic Psychotherapy to help them ease their pain and get healthier and happier.

Pranic Psychotherapy is a therapy that uses ‘prana’ or ‘life force’ within to heal and alleviate emotional and mental imbalances. Negative emotions and traumatic experiences are negative thought forms and emotional energies embedded in the aura and chakras. The traditional psychotherapy takes a longer time to release these negative energies but Pranic Psychotherapy techniques have the ability to quickly and safely release these crippling energetic patterns and fill the lives with peace and positivity, thus ensuring holistic wellness of mind and soul too.

With Pranic Psychotherapy, you can heal emotional and mental ailments such as stress, anger, addictions, schizophrenia, and much more

Some of the benefits of Pranic Psychotherapy

bullet Pranic Psychotherapy to improve addictions of any kind.

bullet Improved self-esteem and better self-image.

bullet Understanding how thoughts and emotions affect our thinking patterns and behaviors.

bullet Knowing what the elementals are and how they affect our actions and behaviors.

bullet Pranic psychotherapy scanning to know the condition of your system and the thoughts and emotions that affect you the most.

bullet Learning Self Healing techniques for tension, irritability, grief and anxiety.

bullet Treatment of depression and violence.

bullet Improved relationships with your spouse, family, friends and co-workers.

bullet Shielding your aura and your chakras to minimize the negative influence of the surrounding environment and the psychic attacks.

bullet Deeper cleansing from negative, self-defeating programming from childhood that holds you back.

bullet Pranic Psychotherapy provides the ability to control the mind and the emotions.


“Pranic Psychotherapy is a powerful tool in healing psychological ailments and can be used to complement clinical psychology and psychiatry.”

– Master Choa Kok Sui